• Your Book Can Transform Lives – As One Transformed Mine

    Why You Need to Write Your Book Now If you are a coach or expert in health/wellness, personal development or spirituality, I hope my story motivates you to write and complete a book soon so you can transform more people’s lives. In 1999, I realized that my marriage of 11 years was imploding.  For the…

  • How to Create a Confident Author Mindset – The First Few Steps

    Worry serves no purpose as you tackle writing your book. The imposter syndrome is the bane of many authors, especially first-time authors who “worry” that they are incapable of completing a book. But you can overcome it! As I share in my 12-week book coaching program, creating a confident author mindset is one of the…

  • How Do You Prime Your Writing Pump?

    How can you prime your writing pump when you just don’t feel like writing—at all? Experiment with the following simple, yet powerful action steps: 1) Read-read-read! Jeff Brown, creator of the fantastic podcast, “Read to Lead” podcast asserts that if you want to become a leader, you must be a regular reader. Similarly, I believe…

  • Try Speed Writing to Write More and Better

    Want to improve the speed and quality of your writing? Try the following “speed writing exercise/writing response” that I learned from author Steve Manning for 5 minutes daily to strengthen your writing muscles. I recommend and encourage clients to use this exercise in my 12-week book coaching program. You will likely be amazed at the…

  • Four Ways to Get Your Book Done

    Yes, writing a book can seem so daunting! However, authors Rick Frishman, Bret Ridgway, and Bryan Hane point out in their book, Mistakes Authors Make: Essential Steps for Achieving Success as an Author, mistake number one that aspiring authors make is believing that they can’t write a book because it seems so intimidating and causing writer’s block.…

  • To Succeed with Your Book, “Keep on, keepin’ on!”

    Years ago, author and comedian Larry Wilde wrote, “One thing all successful writers have in common: a stomach for failing…Like all creative souls, writers learn over time that while they may be failing, they are not failures. They learn from their mistakes, and they keep on going. When it seems they’ve hit a stone wall,…

  • Write Vividly to Make Your Book Come Alive!

    Engage and Connect with Your Reader 1. Use specific adjectives and verbs to create vivid images inside the reader’s head. For example, instead of writing “During the meeting, she felt tired, and her head fell down on her chest,” write “During the meeting, she felt exhausted (depleted) and her head nodded and drooped on her chest. 2. Draw upon elements from your personal experiences, and those…

  • How Rituals Can Enhance Your Writing

    Writing can be a daunting task. However, you can make it more enjoyable and look forward to it by preceding it with a heart-warming ritual. Author Naomi Epel shares in her Toolkit for Writers that “Jack Kerouac used to light a candle to start each writing session and blow it out when he was through.…

  • Read “Writing Habit Mastery” by S.J. Scott

    “Whenever you want to produce something, do not depend upon the outside source, go deep and seek the Infinite Source.” Paramahansa Yogananda So true. Although writing and completing a book is challenging, ultimately you must rely on your inner wisdom and motivation to get it done sooner rather than later. One of the most inspiring…

  • Plotter? Pantser? Or Both?

    Awaken Your Inner Author Plotter? Pantser? Or both? Some authors say that the hardest part of writing a book is just getting your butt in the chair to sit down to write. That old Nike adage “just do it” often comes to mind. Writing a book is no small feat. Authors often fall into two…

  • Give Us What You’ve Got!

    This Week’s Tip to Awaken Your Inner Author This morning I listened to a podcast for authors and was struck by a comment made by one of the presenters. She said that writing and publishing your book is a way to reach more people with your gift – whatever it may be. So true! It reminded me…

  • Allow for Incubation Time January 31, 2023 When you write a book (or anything else), always allow time for creative, compelling ideas to incubate. So often, your best messages arrive when you work for a while and take a break and do something different. As author Michael Gelb says in Creativity on Demand: How to…

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