How to Create a Confident Author Mindset – The First Few Steps

Worry serves no purpose as you tackle writing your book. The imposter syndrome is the bane of many authors, especially first-time authors who “worry” that they are incapable of completing a book.

But you can overcome it! As I share in my 12-week book coaching program, creating a confident author mindset is one of the first and most fundamental steps in writing and completing your book.

I love what one prolific author said about getting over fears about writing. Simply put, “Stop worrying, start writing.” Do not be concerned that your book has to be perfect. You are not writing the great American novel that will be scrutinized and reviewed to assess its literary beauty and prowess.

Instead, you are writing to share an important message and as author Dr. Barbara DeAngelis asserts, “The world is waiting for your words.” The purpose of your non-fiction book is to 1) help readers solve a problem and 2) encourage them to seek more of your expertise after reading your book.

Remember—the word “authority” has “author” embedded in it. This means that you have the innate ability to become an author because your book will develop from sharing your experiences, case studies, and techniques about your particular area of expertise.

But, what if you doubt you have enough material for a book? Think again. Take a complete inventory of all materials you have created and have on hand related to your book’s topic. This includes blog posts, news articles, transcripts of speeches and videos, course notes, and any nuggets of wisdom you have created and collected. You will quickly realize that you have a gold mine of information that can be used in your book.

Another vital step in building a confident author’s mindset is to write consistently (i.e., ideally, daily). It’s a simple concept but not easy to implement. I have struggled with this periodically even though I have written for years…

If you let your writing lapse, you lose momentum and then it takes much more effort to restart. Also, writing daily strengthens your mindset and convinces your heart and mind that you ARE a writer and author. You may not be an amazing or gifted writer…yet. But writing consistently proves to yourself that you ARE a writer. Add to this the proper structure, support, and commitment, and your book will get done! A confident mindset plus consistent daily action results in a completed book.






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